
The Way, the Truth and the Life!

Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Alturas, CA
(Est. 1883

St. James Mission, Cedarville, CA


Prayer Before an Election
(it's never too soon!)

Last Updated:    October 9, 2024

Rev. Ashok Stephen, O.M.I
Parochial Administrator

Sacred Heart Church

Mass Times:      
Saturday Vigil -
4:30 PM
Sunday - 10:30 AM
Bi-lingual Mass - 4th Sunday - 10:30 AM

Tuesday through Friday -
12:15 PM (PST);
5:15 PM (PDT)
1st Saturday - 9:00 AM

Holy Days - 5:15 PM or see Bulletin

Saturday 3:00-4:00 PM and before daily Mass (except Sun & Mon)

St. James Mission Church

Mass Times:
Sunday: 8:30 AM
Holy Days - See Bulletin (Directions)
Confession: before Sunday Mass


Past Events in Pictures
Centennial History of Sacred Heart: 1883-1983
Pastors of Sacred Heart Parish: 1972 through 2021

Bulletin Parish Directory, Ministries and More
Daily Readings
How do you know if God is calling you?

Websites promoting vocations

Frequently Asked Questions about Catholicism

Other Catholic Links


Latest Diocesan News
Bulletin Xtra Upcoming Events

Prayer Corner

Sunday Reflections


Are you interested in returning to your Catholic faith?
Are you interested in becoming Catholic? (click above)


Diocesan Liturgical Calendar (2024)

Official voice of the Catholic community in California's public policy arena.      


For any of the following, please call the Rectory

  • Pre-Baptism Preparation

  • RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)

  • Baptism/Bautismos

  • Marriage Preparation - allow six months in advance of the proposed wedding.

  • Sacrament of Healing

  • Quinceaneras


Announcements from the Diocese:   (click here)

On the Diocesan website you will find many interesting and informative items--too many to include in each weekly bulletin or on a webpage. So please take a look every week or two.

You can see the latest Canonical Appointments (which priests are reassigned, retiring, etc.); job opportunities; events; and much more.

Websites for Vocations

Calling women and men! Are you interested in pursuing a vocation to the priesthood and consecrated life? Check out the new website to promote vocations launched by the Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Click here.

What's a seminarian's life like? Click here.

This is an upbeat blog on a variety of topics such as prayer and discernment, what inspires priestly vocation, and why men think they are being called by God to serve the local church.

Are you interested in the Permanent Diaconate? Have questions?
Click here
for answers.


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